
Every single massage session that we give is tailored to your needs of the moment. That means that each massage you receive will probably feel different and wonderful! We integrate several different techniques into each massage every time.

Swedish Massage

Long fluid strokes used primarily to introduce touch to the body and promote relaxation in the muscles, this technique is not very deep in pressure.

Deep Tissue Massage

Similar to Swedish but the deeper pressure is beneficial in releasing chronic muscle tension. The focus is on the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia.

Lymphatic Massage

A gentle rub, stroke, tapping to push the skin in directions that follow the structure of the lymphatic system so that accumulated lymph fluid can drain through proper channels. Lymphatic drainage is very gentle, is not painful.

Structural Integration

A myo-fascial releasing technique used to stretch and loosen the fascia and surrounding musculature so that it and other contiguous structures can move more freely, and your range of motion is restored.

Neuro-Muscular Therapy (NMT)

Manipulates the soft tissue of the body (muscles, tendons and connective tissue) to balance the central nervous system. Injury, trauma, postural distortion or stress cause nerves to speed up their transmission, making the body vulnerable to pain and dysfunction.